First Baptist Church Cedar Key

Church Planting and Church Revitalization

In the Great Commission, the Lord Jesus commands His followers to "make disciples of all nations." The way that disciples are to be made is directly connected to the local churches. Thus, new churches must be planted and dying churches need to be revitalized. Our church constantly has church planting and church revitalization on our minds and we are always looking to train up and send out Biblically qualified church planters and church revitalizers. Below are two current church plants the Lord has permitted our church to undertake. Take a look below and see all that God is doing. Please consider partnering with us in these new works. 

Grace Christian Church

Ferlain and Krissy have been married for over thirty years. They have three adult children who are followers of Christ and ten grandkids. Ferlain is the planting pastor of GCC. Ferlain and Krissy lead the congregational singing each Sunday. Ferlain was sent out to plant GCC from First Baptist Church of Cedar Key where he served as one of our lay elders for almost three years. Ferlain and Krissy have served in various churches in just about every capacity imaginable.

Cornerstone Church

Jacob and Amber will be planted Cornerstone Church in Marianna, Florida in October of 2024. Jacob and Amber have three boys Eli, Caleb, and Malachi. They have been married foR over 15 years. Jacob completed the internship at FBCCK. Jacob and Amber have a passion for healthy churches to be seen all across Marianna, Florida, the United States, and to the ends of the earth.